God's In Charge, Twelve Steps
Living by the Twelve Steps is essentially agreeing to give up our power—or rather, our powerlessness—in exchange for God’s power. It is becoming willing to do only what God gives me the power to do. But when I offer up my will to God, relying on His power, does this...
Step 3, Twelve Steps, writing
What is Free Step Friday (#freestepfriday)? Click here for details. Scripture: Omni 1:26—Offer your whole souls as an offering unto him. How much plainer can it be stated? Our whole soul—body and spirit. This is the ultimate act of consecration. It is to come full...
abstinence, Recovery, Step 3
Abstinence is not always recovery. What?!? Many people want to believe that abstinence is the end-all of a Twelve Step program. While it’s extremely important, abstinence is the result, not the goal. Recovery is not born of abstinence. Abstinence grows from recovery....