Free Step Friday: Exercising Faith in God (Step 2)

What is Free Step Friday (#freestepfriday)? Click here for details. Scripture 1 Nephi 7:12—The Lord is able to do all things… for the children of men, if…they exercise faith in him. As far back as I can remember, even into my earliest childhood years, I have always...

The Direction of Perfection

Could it be that in order to move in the direction of ultimate perfection—toward God, Godliness, Godhood—I must accept myself as being right where I need to be at this moment? In other words, before I can move forward, I need to accept myself just as I am. I need to...

A Recipe for Recovery

There are only two ingredients in the recipe of recovery—conscious contact with God and honesty. Conscious Contact. To make conscious contact with God, you must first believe it is possible. If you’re not sure you believe you can do it, that’s okay. Start where you...

What Is Free Step Friday?

If you have a copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition of He Did Deliver Me from Bondage, you may have noticed and wondered about some of the quotes in the margins, cited as Patterns of Light I and Patterns of Light II. That was a teaser hinting at two new books! Here at...