Christ, Led by Spirit, Personal Revelation
As I go through a day looking to Jesus to live, I find myself miraculously doing right, doing well. The miraculous part is that I’m not striving or trying to do right—or even to avoid “not-right” behavior. It’s happening automatically as I...
Led by Spirit, Personal Revelation, writing
As I knelt down this morning to offer my formal “opening prayer” for the day, I automatically (after 20 years of daily repetition) reached for my pen and notepad. I had to smile as the recognition whispered through my mind: “This is how it all began.” And it is so...
God's In Charge, Led by Spirit, Recovery
As we humble ourselves and rely more and more on the Spirit to guide us, we begin to awaken to the truth that we are actually having a close relationship with all three delightful members of the Godhead. Through the mediation of the Holy Spirit, we begin to perceive...
God's In Charge, Led by Spirit, Personal Revelation
“. . . And this they said he had done because of the foolish imaginations of his heart.” (1 Nephi 2:11) As you increase in recovery, you learn to depend more and more upon God to lead you—day to day, and sometimes even minute to minute. If and when you...
Change of Heart, God's In Charge, Led by Spirit, Personal Revelation
Time trips me up. I’m constantly tempted to fear that my change of heart is taking too much time. That I’m not healing fast enough. That I’ll get to the end of my life and I won’t have progressed enough along the path of salvation. But then I remember that...