With God, Nothing Is Impossible

Practicing Abstinence

And thus mercy . . . encircles them in the arms of safety. (Alma 34:16) Learning how to be abstinent is like learning how to walk on a balance beam. At first, you are very, very clumsy.  You gain your balance for a moment, take a couple of shuffling steps, and then...
With God, Nothing Is Impossible

The Power in Writing the Little Bit

“I should write upon these plates a few of the things which I considered to be most precious…” (Jacob 1:2) Once again, I must testify of how important writing can be in our on-going journey of recovery.  There has never come a time when writing hasn’t been beneficial...
With God, Nothing Is Impossible

A New Year of Baby Steps

A new year is upon us and many of us are taking inventory and making plans to change. We desire to be better, to do better, so we make long lists of resolutions, detailed itemizations of things we need or want to change in our lives. I think that taking inventory and...
With God, Nothing Is Impossible

The Quickest Way to Become Abstinent

And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33) For most people, the one sure way to quickly become abstinent and then to consistently continue in abstinence is to start with a humble, simple abstinence. We must view our...