abstinence, Recovery, Twelve Steps
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33) For most people, the one sure way to quickly become abstinent and then to consistently continue in abstinence is to start with a humble, simple abstinence. We must view our...
Change of Heart, Keep Coming Back, Perfectionism
For years, the physical exercise experts insisted that a person needed to do at least 30 minutes of exercise to stay fit. 40 minutes was better. An hour was fantastic! I could never figure out how to carve out a 30-minute block of time from my busy schedule, much less...
Change of Heart, Perfectionism
We all have things we know we should be doing to bring more joy or health to our lives. Something we feel the Spirit nudging us to do. For me, one of these things is physical exercise. I know I should do it. I feel better about myself when I do it. But… It is a huge...