Abstinence Increases as We Share Our Experience, Strength and Hope with Others

Some People Have to Die to Get Sober

Recently, I watched the movie, “17 Miracles” that depicted the Saints coming across the plains to Utah. I was deeply moved by the many sacrifices they made, even the loss of their own lives in some cases. We are quick to feel sorrow for those who died...
Abstinence Increases as We Share Our Experience, Strength and Hope with Others

Backing Away from God, Backing Away from Truth

When a person says they’re having a hard time connecting with God, I immediately know there is some truth in their life that they’re not ready to acknowledge.  There is something they’re shying away from, something they don’t want to process or embrace. When we...
Abstinence Increases as We Share Our Experience, Strength and Hope with Others


Slips. Backsliding. Falling off the wagon. Whatever you call them, it happens to all of us. So what do we do when we find we’ve ebbed away from full recovery? We prayerfully acknowledge that we’ve slipped. It’s hard to do, but do it we must. And prayerfully is the...
Abstinence Increases as We Share Our Experience, Strength and Hope with Others

Healing From the Inside Out—A Metaphor

I had an old van once. It was a very old van that would hold 14 people—twelve of them children. You can imagine that with twelve kids running around and through and sometimes over and under that van, it ended up with a lot of dents and scrapes and dings. It looked...